Donating by mail: We are able to receive cheque donations by mail to our parish office. Please send these gifts to our church office at 252 James St. N, Hamilton, ON L8R2L3, to the attention of Karen Carolan-Evans. Cheques should be made out to Christ's Church Cathedral. Please feel free to include a note in the memo line to indicate details of your gift. Please do NOT send cash by mail.
Donating during a service: You are welcome to make a donation during one of our in-person services, either by placing it in the collection plate or in one of the donation boxes.
Directed gifts: donations in which the donor has the option of specifying both the terms and use of the funds donated. These gifts can be made for any one of our day-to-day ministries or programs, or to any one of our long-term Funds, i.e. The Organ Fund, Preserve to Serve Fund, our Arts Fund etc. Please contact us for details.