E-Transfer is a simple, convenient, and safe way to transfer money to others. If you already use online banking, you have the ability to donate funds from your account directly to the Cathedral . Here is some info about using e-transfers:
- The email to use is cathedral@niagaraanglican.ca.
- The Cathedral uses the Autodeposit option so that a security question is not required.
- There is a Message block that allows you to provide details of your donation &/or your contact infomation - especially important for 1st time donors!
- Once you complete the e-transfer process, you will receive an email indicating that your donation has been sent, and the Cathedral will receive a notification letting us know who made the donation and the amount of the donation.
- A feature that is not very well known is that you can also set up a recurring E-transfer so that you don't have to repeat the process on a regular basis. How convenient is that!
Please feel free to visit our Interac E-Transfer page for more details or visit our Give Page to explore more options for giving.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please email our Donations Administrator
Thank you!