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There's a new life-sized sculpture in Bishopsgate created by Tim Schmalz  titled Be Welcoming.

Be Welcoming  is a powerful and permanent reminder that each one of us has the vocation and capacity to be an angel for others on our journey through life.  Be Welcoming was created in 2019, inspired by a verse from Chapter 13 of the Letter to the Hebrews: Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.  

The Cathedral acquired this sculpture through the generosity of Vera Tomlinson (1912 - 2016), a parishioner at the Cathedral for many years, and the  aunt of our current parishioner Barbara Jepson.   As part of Vera's estate plan, a fund for the maintenance of Bishopsgate was endowed to the Cathedral.

Tim Schmalz's work is known and installed worldwide, including at the Vatican in Rome.  You may have seen another of his pieces, Homeless Jesus, outside St. Patrick's Church at the corner of King and Victoria in downtown Hamilton.  More information about Tim Schmalz and his work is available on his website.

Tim Schmalz describes the Be Welcoming sculpture as follows:

The sculpture shows a weary traveler/pilgrim who visually transforms into an angel when one walks over to the seat that the figure is welcoming the viewer to take. “Be Welcoming” shows us that all humanity possesses a spiritual nature resembling angels. It reminds us that we can become like angels on our journey through life, and also that spirituality is found only when one is generous to oneself, others, and God. 

A service of blessing and dedication is being planned.  Please watch this space for more details.