Confirmation is a special church service in which a person affirms or reaffirms the promises that were made when they were baptized. If you were baptized as an infant or a young child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf.  

In the Anglican Church, Confirmation is no longer obligatory for a young person turning a certain age (historically around 13 years of age).  Today, it is about making a true commitment to Christ whenever one is ready.  That may happen at 12 years of age, but it may not happen until later in life.   Before you proceed with Confirmation, you may wish to participate in the confirmation course periodically held at the Cathedral to help you think about it.

In the Diocese of Niagara, Confirmation services are held at the Cathedral, and the Bishop of Niagara is the celebrant of the Confirmation service.  During the celebration of Confirmation, the Bishop extends his/her hands over those to be confirmed and calls upon God to send His Holy Spirit upon them to be their helper and guide.

For additional guidance, please email the Cathedral Office or call 905-527-1316 x240.