Weekly Prayer Cycle
In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for Douglas Bain, William Baradziej, Rosemary Barnes, Roseann Barry, Patricia Barton, Wendy Bascom, and Margaret Beale. In our Community and Partners Prayer Cycle we pray for the Hamilton Indigenous Centre In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the The Anglican Church of Burundi. In the Anglican, Lutheran, and Moravian Full Communion Cycle of Prayer we pray for the the Rt. Rev. John Organ, Bishop, and the clergy and people of the Anglican Diocese of Western Newfoundland; the dean, council, and congregations of the Georgian Bay and Huronia Areas of the Lutheran Eastern Synod; and we pray for the people and ministries of New Dawn Moravian Church in Toronto. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop Susan Bell; Archbishop Colin Johnson; St. John, Ridgemount, the Reverend Daniel Bennett, Rector; the Reverend Deacon Roderick McDowell, Deacon; and the people of that parish. As a Community we pray for those who struggle with (and recovering/recovered from) substance abuse and addiction to drugs, alcohol and gambling, and for those who help, support, counsel and care for them. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: With ongoing needs: Larry Andrews; Susan Worrall; Cathy Johnston; Helen; Rachel and James; the Reverend Charles Meeks; Geoff and Charlotte Read; Judi Mansfield-Jones; Brandon; Michael; Millie; Dave; Ezra Noble; John Ellis; Brenda Catterson; Sarah, Jeremy and family; Allen Calvin; Bonnie Lawlor; and Wayne and Michelle. With current needs: Susan Andrews; Kelly and Barb; Ann Turner; Bishop Ralph; Martha Rose; Donelle de Vlaming; Jonathan James; Joan Gilvear; Sean; Charlotte; James Warner; Shaun; Sarah Chandler; Adam Durnford; Harold Percy; Eldra Gittens; Belinda Whitehall; Madelyn Bradshaw; Anne-Louise; Reid Robinson; Dave Dale; Brock; Andrew; Jason and family; Andrew; Bill; Max; and Sandy Darling. Those who have recently died: Cleomie Woods, Randy Wood’s sister; Stanley Burrows, Hilary McLeod’s father.
Emergency on-call clergy
The emergency on call clergy contact number is 365-324-4503 |
Cathedral Worship
Sunday March 2 Tuesday March 4 Wednesday March 5 Thursday March 6 Sunday March 9
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Lenten ProgramWalking Through the Catechumenate - Starting Wednesday, March 12, 2025 This year, Christ’s Church Cathedral is joining with the Anglican churches of downtown Hamilton – All Saints, Church of the Nativity, St. John the Evangelist, and Church of the Ascension – for an exciting shared Lenten experience. Each week, a different clergy member will present on an aspect of the Catechumenate, the ancient process of preparing people journeying towards faith in Christ. By exploring this ancient training, we will be invited to grow deeper in our own faith by reclaiming and practicing some foundational embodied practices and principles. Each session will include a time of shared prayer, teaching, and an opportunity to get to know other Anglicans worshiping and ministering in our city. All programs are 7pm - 9pm unless otherwise noted.
At the end of this Lenten journey, all five churches will worship together at the Easter Vigil at Christ’s Church Cathedral on Saturday, April 19 from 9 PM to 11 PM. Rides to the other locations can be arranged. Please email Karen to request travel assistance. For more information, please email Monica . For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/lenten-program/2025-03-12 |
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Ash WednesdayWednesday, March 5, 2025 Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a period during which we reflect on our mortality and show repentence for our sins . The services offered on Ash Wednesday include a Eucharist and the imposition of ashes, often accompanied by the words Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. The ashes are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations. The Cathedral offers 2 services on Ash Wednesday: Please join us. All are welcome.
For more infomation visit:
Christ's Church Cathedral Doors
Our central Cathedral main doors are being restored.
Hospitality Workshop - Sunday, March 2, 9:45am TODAY!
After service hospitality (coffee hour) is an important and fun ministry - a great way to meet lovely people and get to know your parish community better. If you can’t make it at 9:45am they will happily teach you during coffee hour. They will be delighted to see you.
Cathedral Oasis TODAY!Sunday March 2, 12:30pm- 2pm Our doors are open one Sunday per month for anyone to drop in for prayer and reflection.
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Discovery Bible StudyAn Online Version Every Thursday 3pm-3:45pm Looking for a fresh new way to regularly engage with Scripture?Due to the success of our in-person weekly Discovery Bible Study, the Spiritual Growth Team is offering an online version this winter. |
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Digging DeeperA Bible Tour A weekly drop-in gathering to explore the stories and wisdom the Scriptures contain. Join us if you know a lot or just a little. All are welcome!
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The Grandparents' ClubMonday, March 3, 2025 The Grandparents' Club is a brand new initiative in which grandparents (and other folks with children and youth they love not immediately in their care) meet to grow spiritually for the express purpose of supporting the spiritual growth of the young people they love. Please mark your calendars for every Monday in March 7-8:30pm (Monday’s in March-3, 10, 17, 24 and 31) Blessings, Monica.
For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/the-grandparents-club/2025-03-03 |
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Lenten Online Book StudyHow We Learn to be Brave: March 5 - April 9 2025 In a time of chaos and uncertainty, the one thing that we all need is hope. As these are the times in which we find ourselves, hope can be elusive. But the words of mercy and compassion of which Bishop Mariann Budde spoke at the inauguration of the American President have echoed across the world. This Lent, the Rev. Christopher White will be leading a book study on Bishop Budde’s book How We Learn to be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith. Held on Zoom on Wednesdays at 4:00, every week during Lent starting Wednesday March 5, 2025. Given the current popularity of her book , it can be challenging to find a copy, except through an e-reader. Because of that, Christopher will provide a highlights page and questions to ponder each week. You will need to register to obtain a ZOOM link for this course. The first question to reflect on:
For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/lenten-online-book-study/2025-03-05
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2025 Intention FormsThe Generosity Team Thank you to the 20% of households who have made their 2025 giving intentions known already. The numbers are very encouraging. However, we would like so much to hear from the remaining 80% of households who have not submitted an intention from. Please do this as soon as you are able so that we can plan with a realistic idea of overall parishioner giving for 2025 and beyond. 2025 Intention forms can be easily found by following this link.These Intention Forms are also available on the literature rack in the narthex. If you would like to declare your intention to increase your givings in 2025, please complete the form online, or on paper form and drop it in the offering plate. Alternatively, you can deliver it to the Parish Office for the attention of Paula Esteves. We are so thankful for the generosity in our wonderful Cathedral family |
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Action is the Antidote to DespairMarch's Action from Climate Justice Cathedral (CJC) It is easy to be overwhelmed by despair and fear in the world today. Current events can steal our hope and cause us to doubt that there is a good future ahead. But God has plans for us that are of a good future with hope! Julian of Norwich’s simple words offer hope and encourage positivity today. Her book, Revelations of Divine Love, is the earliest surviving example of its kind – a book written between the 14th & 15th century in English, by a woman. She is renowned for her words, “all shall be well, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” Action is the antidote to despair. This month, remember our Baptismal Promise and the Fifth Mark of Mission: strive to safeguard the integrity of God’s creation, and respect, sustain and renew the life of the Earth.
For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/news/action-is-the-antidote-to-despair
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The Litany of ReconciliationFriday 12:15pm As a member of the Community of the Cross of Nails, we gather weekly at noon on Fridays to pray for peace, justice, and reconciliation. We start our prayer with: We stand together at this Friday noon hour to join with all those churches, schools, and other institutions who have committed themselves to the Community of the Cross of Nails. We search for reconciliation between ourselves and all those who have been harmed by war, by violence, by the effects of colonization and abuses of power, and by greed, selfishness, thoughtlessness and indifference. Please click on Litany of Reconciliation for the prayer in its entirety. A brief history of the Litany of Reconciliation can be found on The Anglican Diocese of Ontario website. |
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wanted: More knitters/crocheters!
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Building a Better World through ReadingAlongside Hope Alongside Hope (PWRDF) has created a reading list to coincide with Canada’s International Development Week. It is well worth it for readers everywhere and of all ages, to visit the reading list! |
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Annual Vestry Report
The Corporation of Christ's Church Cathedral hosted their Annual Vestry Meeting on Sunday, February 23, 2025. You can now find the updated Vestry Report on our website to view here.
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Our Cathedral's Sacred Story in 2024Narrative Budget Every year, just prior to our annual vestry meeting, we publish a narrative budget - our story of the year gone by. The story of our ministries, our stewardship of all our resources, and the generosity of what we give and receive. We invite you to read our 2024 Narrative Budget. |
Greeter and Church Officer Name Badges
Please remember to wear your name badges. The red boxes are full of tags and resources.
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Tap to Pay
At the back of the Cathedral there is a Tap donation device. You can use your debit or credit card to "tap" and donate $5 to Christ's Church Cathedral. If you wish to donate more, you can tap up to four times! Your generosity is appreciated as it allows us to continue to maintain our beautiful facilities and offer innovative ministry to our community. Please note that Tap donations are not eligible for tax receipts. Thank you! |
Submission Deadline for Chronicle Items
Please forward items for the paper version of the Chronicle by 1:00pm on the Wednesday prior to publication to the Cathedral Parish Office, 905-527-1316 x240. The Chronicle is published digitally each week, with a ‘Highlights’ edition on paper. Please forward article items for the Chronicle in final draft form 2 weeks before publication so that it can be added to the website.
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