Weekly Prayer Cycle
In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for Bishop Ralph Spence, Fred Stickle, Key Straughan, Robert Strople, Steven and Dena Thomas, Ross and Joanne Thompson, Larry and Shirley Trimmer, Geoffrey and Irannah Tumwesigye. In our Community and Partners Prayer Cycle we pray for the Mulberry Coffeehouse In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Anglican Church in the Province of the West Indies. In the Anglican, Lutheran, and Moravian Full Communion Cycle of Prayer we pray for Dr. Andrea Mann, Director, and the staff of Anglican Global Relations; Ryan Weston, Lead Animator, Public Witness for Social and Ecological Justice; Executive Director, Will Postma, and staff of the Anglican Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund/Alongside Hope. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop Susan Bell; St. Paul, Fort Erie, the Reverend Daniel Bennett, Rector; the Reverend Deacon Roderick McDowell, Deacon; the Reverend Canon David Thomas, Honorary Assistant; and the people of that parish. As a Community we pray for refugees and those displaced by war, violence and politics, and for those who help, support, counsel and care for them. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: With ongoing needs: Larry Andrews; Susan Worrall; Cathy Johnston; Helen; Rachel and James; the Reverend Charles Meeks; Judi Mansfield-Jones; Brandon; Kelley; Michael; Millie; Dave; Ezra Noble; John Ellis; Brenda Catterson; Allen Calvin; and Bonnie Lawlor. With current needs: Susan Andrews; Geoff and Charlotte Read; Ann Turner; Sarah, Jeremy and family; Bishop Ralph; Martha Rose; Barry Jefferies; Donelle de Vlaming; Jonathan James; Joan Gilvear; Sean; Hazel Naylor and family; Charlotte; James Warner; Wayne and Michelle; Shaun; Sarah Chandler; Adam Durnford; Harold Percy; Whylandar Gittens; and Belinda Whitehall. We pray for those preparing for Baptism: Brenda Catterson; and Ezra Noble. Those who have recently died: Joanne Roxbourgh; the Reverend Canon Dr. Eric Beresford; and Patrick French, younger brother of Sandra Cross. Flower Dedications: given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Anna and John Gerula, Peter, Michael, and William Gerula, and Tanya Gerula, by George Gerula.
Emergency on-call clergy
The emergency on call clergy contact number is 365-324-4503 |
Cathedral Worship
Sunday January 12 Tuesday January 14 Wednesday January 15 Thursday January 16 Sunday January 19 Breaking News!!
A Thanksgiving for Ministry
On Sunday January 19, Bishop Susan Bell and Dean Tim Dobbin will install Garfield Adams, Eleanor Clitheroe, Malcolm French, Naomi Kabugi, and Tom Vaughan as honourary canons of Christ's Church Cathedral during a special service of Thanksgiving for Ministry at 4:00pm. All are welcome for this joyful event as we celebrate excellence in ministry.
You are cordially invited to High Tea
In Celebration of the Cathedral’s new Nave Floor Can you help? We need to borrow several 2 or 3 tier plates for this event. Please let us know if you can lend any that aren’t precious to you or inherited from your dear Great Aunt Mildred! Please label them clearly with a contact name and number and bring them to Karen at the Cathedral Office.
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Generosity Team2025 Intention Forms Dale Guenter shared the need for us to increase our donations to help fund the salary for a half-time Curate (currently Rev. Monica). A number of parishioners responded to Dale, asking how they could pledge an increase in their giving for 2025. Intention forms are being released early to help parishioners who want to make their pledge now. We are so thankful for the generosity in our wonderful Cathedral family!
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2025 Donation Envelopes Available Now!
We are pleased to advise that our numbered donation envelopes for 2025 are now ready for pick-up in the greeting area on Sundays. You can also pick up your envelopes from the Cathedral office during office hours from Monday to Friday. Envelope boxes are organized in alphabetical order with a label on the top left corner. For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/news/2025-donation-envelopes-available-now
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Discovery Bible StudyAn Online Version Looking for a fresh new way to engage regularly with Scripture?Due to the success of our in-person weekly Discovery Bible Study, the Spiritual Growth Team is offering an online version this winter. If you would like to be a part of a weekly online Discovery Bible Study, please email our Assistant Curate Monica by Sunday, January 12 to express your interest and availability. Discovery Bible Study is designed to meet the spiritual needs of our participants by considering what the biblical text tells us about God and human beings. All are welcome. For more infomation visit:
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The Grandparents' Club
Did you know that grandparents and elders can have a unique spiritual influence on the beloved young people in their lives? The Grandparents' Club is a brand new initiative in which grandparents (and other folks with children and youth they love not immediately in their care) meet to grow spiritually for the express purpose of supporting the spiritual growth of the young people they love. *Photo by Susan Ackeridge at https://www.flickr.com/photos/redfoxinict/30690428181, used under Creative Commons License. For more infomation visit:
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Digging DeeperA Bible Study Come join us! We will be looking at Paul’s letters to the Church in Rome. Come join the discussion! Sundays at 12:15 pm in the Spence Room.
For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/digging-deeper--111/2024-12-22
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Alongside HopeFormerly PWRDF As the conflict in Gaza continues, the issue of food insecurity is paramount. Famine is imminent as 1.1 million people, half of Gaza's population, experience catastrophic food insecurity.* The ongoing challenges of food insecurity, healthcare, and sanitary conditions in Gaza are discussed in an article available on the PWRDF website. How Can You Help?
Your support is needed and appreciated. Thank you! *Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, IPCINFO website
For more infomation visit:
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Questions to ConsiderClimate Justice Cathedral January’s ActionJames Gustave Speth (born March 4, 1942) is an American environmental lawyer and advocate. He says, "I used to think the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science, we could address these problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy, and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation, and we scientists don't know how to do that." Questions to ConsiderCan churches help people deal with environmental selfishness, greed, and apathy? If so, how? If not, then who can? For more infomation visit:
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The Litany of ReconciliationFriday 12:15pm As a member of the Community of the Cross of Nails, we gather weekly at noon on Fridays to pray for peace, justice, and reconciliation. We start our prayer with: We stand together at this Friday noon hour to join with all those churches, schools, and other institutions who have committed themselves to the Community of the Cross of Nails. We search for reconciliation between ourselves and all those who have been harmed by war, by violence, by the effects of colonization and abuses of power, and by greed, selfishness, thoughtlessness and indifference. Please click on Litany of Reconciliation for the prayer in its entirety. A brief history of the Litany of Reconciliation can be found on The Anglican Diocese of Ontario website. For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/the-litany-of-reconciliation/2025-01-03
The Week of Prayer for Christian UnityThursday, January 23, 2025 The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an ecumenical celebration held each year from January 18 - 25. Christians around the world are invited to pray for the unity of all Christians, to reflect scripture together, to participate in ecumenical services and to share fellowship.*from Week of Prayer This year, the prayers and reflections for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity were prepared by the brothers and sisters of the monastic community of Bose in northern Italy. The theme this year is "Do you believe this?" based on John 11:26. Our guest speaker will be The Reverend Michael Blair, General Secretary of The United Church of Canada. The World Council of Churches (founded in 1948) is now a family of 352 churches, representing over 580 million Christians in 120 countries, striving to respond to Jesus' prayer and manifest the unity of community, witness, and service to which all Christians are called. We hope that you will join us as Christians all around the world pray alongside each other during this week. The service will be held this year at MacNeill Baptist Church, 1145 King St W., Hamilton, on Thursday, January 23 at 7pm. For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/the-week-of-prayer-for-christian-unity/2025-01-23 |
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Let The Light ShineThe Canadian Campaign for St. George's College Jerusalem Archbishop Hosam Naoum and Dean Richard Sewell have asked for urgent support to ensure that a key ministry of the Diocese of Jerusalem, St. George’s College, can survive the current situation facing the region as a whole. Violence and uncertainty have created a major crisis for St. George’s College Jerusalem. Its normal revenue stream from pilgrims’ fees, gift shop sales, and other lodging fees has been totally disrupted. St. George’s College Jerusalem is a gem of the worldwide Anglican Communion, welcoming thousands from around the world who seek to see, feel, and understand the biblical and contemporary richness of the land of the Holy One, and the Christians, Jews, and Muslims who live there. Its valuable ministry must not fall victim to the present crisis. Please consider making a donation and circulating this appeal to others who may be able to help. Your support of this campaign is greatly appreciated. For more information please email The Right Rev. Shane Parker, Canadian Campaign Chair, or visit the website The Canadian Campaign for St. George's College Jerusalem. With sincere thanks and kind blessings. For more infomation visit:
Cybercrime Security Protect yourself from Smart Scammers, and Stay Safe!
Here at Christ’s Church Cathedral we care about every member of our parish community and highly value the kind donations of our parishioners time, money and skills. |
Greeter and Church Officer Name Badges
Please remember to wear your name badges. The red boxes are full of tags and resources.
Submission Deadline for Chronicle Items
Please forward items for the Chronicle by 1:00pm on the Wednesday prior to publication to the Cathedral Parish Office, 905-527-1316 x240.The Cathedral Office will be closed from December 21 to January 1 inclusive.
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Tap to Pay
At the back of the Cathedral there is a Tap donation device. You can use your debit or credit card to "tap" and donate $5 to Christ's Church Cathedral. If you wish to donate more, you can tap up to four times! Your generosity is appreciated as it allows us to continue to maintain our beautiful facilities and offer innovative ministry to our community. Please note that Tap donations are not eligible for tax receipts. Thank you! |