Weekly Prayer Cycle
In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for Ralph Nablow, Michael Nash, David and Annette Nauss, Hazel Naylor and family, James and Wendy Newman and family, and Carole Nixon. In our Community and Partners Prayer Cycle we pray for ACORN https://acorncanada.org In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. In the Anglican, Lutheran, and Moravian Full Communion Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Acting Primate Archbishop Anne Germond and the staff of the Primate’s Office of the Anglican Church of Canada, we pray for the National Bishop Susan Johnson and the staff of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and we pray for the Rev. David E. Bennett, President of the Provincial Elders’ Conference of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop Susan Bell; St. Paul, Hamilton, the Venerable Terry DeForest, Rector; the Reverend Dr. Charles Meeks, Assistant Curate (on leave); the Reverend Dr. Michael Knowles, Honorary Assistant, and the people of that parish. As a Community we pray for the isolated, the lonely and those mourning or remembering the death of family and friends and those who help, support, counsel and care for them. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: With ongoing needs Susan Andrews; Larry Andrews; Susan Worrall; Cathy Johnston; Helen; Rachel and James; the Reverend Charles Meeks; Charlotte Read; Judi Mansfield-Jones; Brandon; Kelley; Michael; Mark and all affected by the fire at Charred Rotisserie; Millie; Dave; Heather Clark; Ezra Noble; Sr. Heather; and John Ellis. With current needs James Warner; Ann Turner; Sarah, Jeremy and family; Charlotte; Bishop Ralph; Alistair Martin; Martha Rose; Barry Jefferies; Donelle de Vlaming; Allen Calvin and family; Jane; Jonathan James; Lynn McKay; Harold; Joan Gilvear; Sean; the Reverend Jann Brooks; and Hazel Naylor and family. We pray for those recently Baptised: Jim (James) Ferguson; Shauna Wright; and Heming Sloan Thornton. Those who have recently died: Suzanne Simon; Dane McDowell; and Ursula Dixon. Flower Dedications: given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mona Alice Hunt, Patrick Gowlland Hunt, Charlie Griffiths and also the women killed on December 6,1989, at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, by Anne-Louise and John Watts
Emergency on-call clergy
The emergency on call clergy contact number is 365-324-4503 |
Cathedral Worship
Sunday December 8 - Second Sunday of Advent Tuesday December 10 Wednesday December 11 Thursday December 12 Friday December 13 Sunday December 15 - Third Sunday of Advent |
ADVENT Brunch - December 15
You're all warmly invited to our ADVENT Brunch in the Nave after the 10:30 am service on Sunday, December 15! If you're attending the Bible Study on the Book of Ruth, take your brunch with you to the final meeting. (And we'll serve you first!)
Christmas Memorial Flowers
Donation envelopes for Christmas flowers are welcome now! |
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Christmas Celebrations 2024Advent Morning of Music previously scheduled for Sat December 7, has been postponed until next year. |
Thank you, from Jennifer Early
“ I would like to thank the Cathedral clergy, nominators and congregation for their support on my induction to the Order of Niagara. I am truly grateful to belong to such a caring community.” Jennifer.
Cybercrime Security Protect yourself from Smart Scammers, and Stay Safe!
Here at Christ’s Church Cathedral we care about every member of our parish community and highly value the kind donations of our parishioners time, money and skills. |
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Bible Study on the Book of RuthSunday, December 8, 2024 12:15pm-1:15pm Spence Room For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/bible-study-on-the-book-of-ruth/2024-12-01
Wednesday Movie NightWednesday, December 11, 2024 Movie nights are back!Calling all music and movie lovers! Join us on December 11, at 7pm in the Spence Room to watch the film Come to the Stable. For a preview and synopsis, see the original trailer here. After the viewing, we'll have a lively disussion about its implications for our spiritual lives. We'd like to make sure everyone who attends gets a seat! Please email the Cathedral office to let Rev. Monica know that you're coming. Thank you.
For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/wednesday-movie-night/2024-12-11
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Discovery Bible StudyThursday December 12, 11:30am - 12:15pm Study the Bible in community through this drop-in participant-focused method of reading scripture together. Discovery Bible Study is designed to meet the spiritual needs of our participants by considering what the biblical text tells us about God and human beings. You'll find us in the nave on Thursdays. All are welcome!
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Calling All Bakers!Cathedral Café Christmas Dinner Many thanks to all those who have volunteered to help out with our annual Cathedral Café Christmas Dinner. It is a testament to who we are and what we do for those in need that so many people have come forward to volunteer! God bless you! Please note that at this time, we have a full roster of volunteers. We do however still need desserts to serve on Christmas day. It is preferable to have desserts that do not require utensils (e.g. tarts, cakes, squares, homemade cookies, etc.). If you are able to provide dessert(s), please email Roseann Barry. Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support at this special time of the year. For more infomation visit:
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PWRDF (Alongside Hope)Shop our World of Gifts As December approaches, thoughts turn to Christmas baking, spending time with friends and family, and gift-giving. Popular gift-giving options include Secret Santa exchanges, minimizing gift budgets, or sharing gifts with others - all with a focus of acquiring fewer material items. Currently, PWRDF has a matching program for any items purchased through their Gift Catalogue. You can spend as little as $20 for seeds for women in Kenya, or $25 for a New Baby Kit in Lesotho. Please access their catalogue at World of Gifts. Your gift purchase is eligible for a tax receipt from PWRDF and, more importantly, you will have made a difference in the life of others less fortunate. Happy gift-giving to all! Full program details are available on Shop Our World of Gifts. For more infomation visit:
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Sale of Christmas cards, Anglican calendars, and Visual Guide to the Cathedral
From November 10 to December 22, cards, calendars, and guides will be available for purchase at the 10:30 service. Cards with Christmas scenes from the windows of the Cathedral - $1.25 each / $15.00 per dozen.
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Reduce Your Carbon Footprint!December's Climate Action Justice This Christmas, reduce your carbon footprint!
Why? For the impact on plastics alone!
With data from Greenpeace For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/news/reduce-your-carbon-footprint
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Digging DeeperSundays 12:15pm in the Spence Room |
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Cathedral OasisOne Sunday per month12:30pm-2:00pm-An Open Time for Peace and Reflection Our doors are open one Sunday per month for anyone to drop in for peace and reflection in the middle of our busy city. Feel free to light a candle, say a prayer, or just sit quietly in this beautiful space. Maybe you have never been in the Cathedral and just want to have a look around? Maybe you would just like to listen to some quiet, peaceful music? Whoever you are, whatever brings you to our doors, you are very welcome. If you have any questions during your visit, there is someone on hand from our Cathedral Community. For level access please go to the reception door to the left of the main Cathedral entrances. For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/cathedral-oasis/2024-11-03
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Donation Envelopes 2025
We are pleased to advise that our numbered donation envelopes for 2025 will be ready for pick-up some time in December or early January. For those who are currently using numbered envelopes:
For those who are not using numbered envelopes, Interac e-transfers, or pre-authorized givings , you will find numbered envelopes easier and efficient. Please let Karen, our Parish Assistant, know, and we will assign an envelope # to you. If you'd like to know more about how numbered envelopes work, please do not hesitate to email the Cathedral Office or call 905-527-1316 x240. Please Note: Unused envelopes from 2024 or prior years cannot be used in 2025 or later years. Unused envelopes must be shredded. Thank you!
For more infomation visit:
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Tap to Pay
At the back of the Cathedral there is a Tap donation device. You can use your debit or credit card to "tap" and donate $5 to Christ's Church Cathedral. If you wish to donate more, you can tap up to four times! Your generosity is appreciated as it allows us to continue to maintain our beautiful facilities and offer innovative ministry to our community. Please note that Tap donations are not eligible for tax receipts. Thank you! |
Submission Deadline for Chronicle Items
Please forward items for the Chronicle by 1:00pm on the Wednesday prior to publication to the Cathedral Parish Office, 905-527-1316 x240.