Weekly Prayer Cycle
In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for Aris Noble; Chidi Nwadi; Robert Oldham; Madge Passmore; Ken Patterson; and Thomas Perrie. In our Community and Partners Prayer Cycle we pray for Pretty Grit. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Anglican Church in the Central Region of America. In the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada we pray for the theological colleges and training programs within the Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario: Canterbury College, Huron University College, Renison College, the Anglican Studies Program at Saint Paul University, Thorneloe University, Trinity College, and Wycliffe College; and for Luther College at the University of Regina and Luther College—High School. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Dr. Susan Bell; and for the Church of St. Paul, Jarvis, The Reverend Canon Richard Moorse, Rector, and the people of that parish. As a Community we pray for victims of domestic and family abuse and violence, especially women and children; and those who help, support, counsel and care for them. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: With ongoing needs Ernie Taylor; Susan Andrews; Cathy Johnston; Larry Andrews; Susan Worrall; John; Wayne and Michelle; Helen; Rachel and James; Adam Pearce; Richard Cunningham; Judi Mansfield-Jones; The Reverend Charles Meeks; Dawn Romig; Heather Clark; With current needs Christel Eustace; Charlotte Read; Kelley; Brandon; Michael; Millie; Dave; Christopher; Josh; Mark and all affected by the fire at Charred Rotisserie; Bob; Celina Liong; John Ellis; Deb Hutchinson; Mark Fingland, Rebecca, Ian and Grace; Bruce Hicking, Janice and Fred Stickle. Those recently baptized Oscar Patrick Schwartz. Those who have recently died Pam (Wiley) Hicking. Flower Dedication Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Seymour and Noreen Wigle given by their sons and their families. |
Cathedral Worship
Sunday June 2 - 2nd after Pentecost Tuesday June 4 Wednesday June 5 Thursday June 6 Friday June 7 Sunday June 9 - 3rd after Pentecost |
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Parish Picnic in the Cathedral NaveSunday, June 2 following the 10:30 service Please join us for a parish picnic this Sunday, following after the 10:30 Service. An entrée of pulled pork, a vegetarian alternative, and potato chips will be provided. Parishioners are invited to bring 'potluck' offerings to share. Salads and desserts may be particularly practical, but feel free to bring what you wish. Lawn games will be available in Bishopsgate between the service and the start of the picnic. Seating will be set up in the nave and compostable dinnerware will be provided.
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Discovery Bible StudyThursdays at 11:30 in the Cathedral Discovery Bible Study is designed to meet the spiritual needs of our participants by considering what the biblical text tells us about God and human beings. This program was originally designed with the Cathedral Café guests, volunteers, and staff in mind. Given the positive feedback that has been received, we invite all interested parties to participate. You'll find us in the nave on Thursdays. All are welcome!
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Art CrawlSecond Friday of Every Month Art Crawl is a wonderful way to engage with the community and to celebrate our beautiful Cathedral! Join us in the community and in the Cathedral every 2nd Friday of the month. The next date is June 14. We offer the beauty of our space to those who wish to take a moment of reflection or prayer. We also provide guided tours and often there are musical performances and art installations. Anyone interested in volunteering as a greeter or guide is welcome to speak to John Watts after the 10:30 Service or send him an email.
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June's Climate ActionFrom Climate Justice Cathedral It’s time to SPEAK OUT about the CLIMATE CRISIS! A large majority of Canadians are worried about climate change and believe it is the reason for an increase in extreme weather, a new national poll suggests. But the Leger poll says only a small fraction of people listed climate change as the top issue facing Canada today! And only 40 per cent said they would make some changes to their behaviours "even if this comes with a certain financial cost." Canada needs many more people talking about the climate crisis but they often say: * too busy If you agree it’s serious but you’re reluctant to talk about climate effects such as wildfires, fossil fuels, or greenhouse gases, here’s how you can get past these roadblocks. Recall a time when you took a risk on a matter of principle. How did you feel before, during, and after the risk? What conditions made your risk-taking possible? Let’s speak up! Talk with friends, family, and colleagues. Start conversations with letters, emails, phone calls, and petitions to our community leaders, politicians, corporations. It need not be complicated. You simply need to say, “I’m really concerned about the climate crisis.” Then ask, “What can you/we/I be doing about it?” No one can do it alone but we can do it together. |
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Earlier in May, the Generosity Team distributed packages of seeds to the parish. Have you planted your seeds? If so, how are they growing? Cultivating fruit from a seed is a long and labour-intensive process. First one must select the proper soil for the particular plant. After the seeds have been planted, the right mixture of water and sunlight is essential. Once the seeds begin to sprout, it is time to thin them out, giving a few shoots room to grow and flourish. The seeds we received are a metaphor for the spiritual seeds we are all called to plant as followers of Jesus. Our actions, words, and deeds will help nourish the seeds we plant. By giving financially to the Christ’s Church Cathedral parish, we can help multiply growth through innovative and timely programs and worship. Whether you planted seeds or purchased more mature plants for your gardens or balcony, we hope that you enjoy the beauty and fruit of your labour. As you watch your plants grow this season, remember to give generously to CCC so that spiritual fruit can grow in abundance. (The picture shows basil plant shoots sprouting on Lori-Lyn & John’s balcony.) |
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Heartfelt congratulations to the Reverend Dena Thomas, Reverend Doreen Haywood, Reverend Stephen LaSalle, Reverend Russell Wardell and Reverend Janice Whiteley who were ordained as deacons at the Cathedral last Sunday! May God richly bless each of them in their future ministry. |
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More Congratulations!
This Sunday June 2 Hazel Naylor celebrates her 90th birthday! Hazel, we wish you a wonderful day and every blessing for the year ahead. |
Summer Service Times
From Sunday June 30 until Sunday September 1 inclusive, there will be just one Sunday morning Service at 10:00am. The Wednesday 11:30am Eucharist will continue through the summer months. Wednesday Morning Prayer on Zoom will take a break during July and August. Digging Deeper will take a break from June 23 until the end of September inclusive. |
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Tap to Pay
At the back of the Cathedral there is a Tap donation device. You can use your debit or credit card to "tap" and donate $5 to Christ's Church Cathedral. If you wish to donate more, you can tap up to four times! Your generosity is appreciated as it allows us to continue to maintain our beautiful facilities and offer innovative ministry to our community. Please note that Tap donations are not eligible for tax receipts. Thank you! |
Submission Deadline for Chronicle Items
Please forward items for the Chronicle by 1:00pm on the Wednesday prior to publication to the Parish Office, 905-527-1316 x240.