In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for David Montgomery & Kate MacDonald; Peter MacDonald; Theo, Evelynn & Gwendolynn MacGilliavry; Judy Mark; Stephanie MacLeod, Paul Racher& Amelia Racher; Judi, Rory & Kirsten Mansfield Jones; Elaine Marshall; Christine Matimba; Karen & Michael Methot; Rose. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Church of Ireland. In the Anglican Church of Canada we pray for The Most Rev. Lynne McNaughton, Metropolitan, and the clergy and people of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon. In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada we pray for the Assistant to the Bishop and staff of the British Columbia Synod. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell; St. David, Welland, the Venerable Terry Holub, Rector; the Reverend Deacon Richard Middleton, Deacon; the Venerable Bill Mous, Honorary Assistant, and the people of that parish. As a community we pray for all victims of discrimination. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Celina Liong; Bishop Ralph; Turner Shaw; Daniela Cruz; Justin Rego; Ernie Taylor; Susan Andrews; Cathy Johnston; Larry Andrews; Susan Worrall; Judy Robertson; John; Richard Cunningham; Derek Watts; Wayne & Michelle; Jane; Helen; Kim, Lisa LaRush; Matthew Murphy; Rose; Nancy. Those preparing for Baptism EJ Danculovic
SUNDAY 10 SEPTEMBER - THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30 am Holy Eucharist in person 10:30 am Choral Eucharist in person and on the SEPTEMBER 10, 2023 ORDER OF SERVICE WEDNESDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 8:30am Morning Prayer - Via Zoom followed by coffee and conversation 12:15pm - Eucharist in the Cathedral FRIDAY 15 SEPTEMBER- 12:00 pm Litany of Reconciliation Via Zoom & in person in Bishopsgate SUNDAY 17 SEPTEMBER - THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30 - Holy Eucharist - in person 10:30 - Choral Eucharist - in person and on You Tube |
When we recite the “Land Acknowledgement” at the beginning of our Eucharist each Sunday, it’s like saying Grace before a meal. Those who first occupied these Lands regarded them as the Source of their well being: for food, health and medicine to be shared equally; not as a Resource to be exploited by a few. May the wholesomeness that continues to reside in these Lands, which we now occupy, give rise to the wholeness of the Spirit within us.
- Climate Justice Cathedral Committee -
TAP DEVICE In an effort to provide an easy and efficient way for visitors to give to the life of our community, the Generosity Team has installed a “Tap” device at the back of the church near the baptismal font. Matthew Green worked with the team to design a banner to draw visitors attention to this option. The banner depicts snap shots of our collective life together. Each “tap” provides a $5.00 donation to the Cathedral, minus an administrative fee of approximately 5%. During Art Crawls and other open Cathedral events, we will also continue to provide donation boxes strategically placed throughout the Cathedral if visitors wish to donate by way of cash. While we anticipate that Tap will be used primarily during open Cathedral events, it is available at all times for anyone who is visiting us, including during any of our service times.
SUPPORT THE CATHEDRAL CRUSADERS! This year's “Wild Ride” is raising funds once more for PWRDF's partners supporting refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide. Let's help PWRDF reach its ambitious goal of $50,000! Visit www.pwrdf.org/wild-ride/ to join our team or make a donation. Make your decision NOW to support the PWRDF Wild Ride. This year, the Cathedral Crusaders are walking, once again, to raise funds. Date: Saturday, September 30, 2023 Time: 10:15 am – 11:30 am (approx.) Where: Waterfront Trail at Bayfront Park (200 Harbour Front Dr., Hamilton) We will meet at the main Bayfront Park parking lot (south-east corner) For more information on the “Wild Ride please contact your Parish Representative at louise.vanwoelderen@gmail.com or at (905)387-1820.
At our last community engagement meeting, we acknowledged our ministries in connecting with our local community. We felt one way in which we could further support them is through prayer. We’d invite your submissions for prayer to create a new prayer list including businesses, organizations, and groups for which you would like to pray. Please send all submissions to Sue Crowe Connolly at croweconnolly@gmail.com |
Please Join us here at the Cathedral for Supercrawl starting tonight! Cathedral hours: Friday, September 8— 7:00pm until 10:00pm Saturday, September 9— 2:00pm until 10:00pm Sunday, September 10— 12:00pm until 4:00pm Music, Art & Community! Hope you join us! Thank you to all who have signed up to volunteer! Supercrawl 2023 marks the 15th anniversary of the music and arts festival on James Street North. Christ's Church Cathedral is proud to be a part of this event every year. We open our doors during Supercrawl and offer guided tours, musical performances, art installations, and the serenity of our building for all. Please feel free to drop by. For more details, please visit Tourism Hamilton or the Supercrawl websites.
For more infomation visit: http://cathedralhamilton.ca/events/supercrawl-2023/2023-09-08
The Cathedral Café is still seeking lightly used summer clothing. Thank you to those who have already generously donated. The clothing is going out as fast as it comes in! Rally your friends and look through your closets. Please drop off in Myler Hall marking “donation for Cathedral Café” or request pick up by contacting Kerry Lubrick at kerryllubrick@gmail.com or 905-679-2828.
Welcome and Congratulations!
A warm and heartfelt welcome to The Reverend Monica Romig Green as the Cathedral's new Assistant Curate! Monica brings a host of wonderful gifts to this role and we are thrilled to have her as part of our Cathedral Team! Welcome Monica! Read more about Monica here! |
The Prayer Shawl Knitters Group has made available to the parish a wonderful abundance of both prayer shawls and lap blankets. If you happen to know of anyone who might be in need and might benefit from one of these beautiful items, please contact the parish office either in person or at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca |
If you are interested in making a flower dedication, please be in touch with coordinator Anne Harvey at aharvey145@gmail.com |
Do you enjoy gardening and working on outdoor projects? Watch This Space for opportunities to share your talents helping Bishopsgate to look its best. ALSO - DID YOU KNOW? You can contribute to Bishopsgate expenses by giving the Cathedral’s phone # at Holland Park if you make any purchases there. If so, please use phone number 905 527 1316. |