Weekly Prayer Cycle
In our Parish Cycle of Prayer we pray for Robert James & Helaine Guther-James; John Janisse; Rose Janson; Barbara Jepson; Kim & Michael Johnston. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer we pray for the Church of South India (United). In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada we pray for Bishop Jason Zinko, the people and rostered ministers of the Manitoba-Northwestern Ontario Synod. In the Anglican Church of Canada we pray The Rt. Rev. Bruce Myers, Bishop, and the people and clergy of the Diocese of Quebec. In our Diocese of Niagara we pray for our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell; St. Cuthbert's, Oakville, the Venerable Jeff Ward, Rector, the Reverend Canon Dr. Alan Hayes, Honorary Assistant, and the people of that parish. As a community we pray for those who struggle with, are recovering from, or have recovered from substance abuse and addictions. Those who have asked to be remembered in our prayers: Susan Andrews; Gary Hanna; Sally & Willow; Celina Liong; Janet Wude; Heather Glass; Norm Foley; Donelle de Vlaming; Jonathan James, Bishop Ralph; Turner Shaw; Gary and Sue; Gary and Katie Hanna; Carole Nixon; Shirley Schmirler; Daniela Cruz; Justin Rego; Josh; Maryse Fisher; Ernie Taylor; Colin; Brenda Gallagher; Joanne Thompson & Family. |
SUNDAY, March 12 The Third Sunday In Lent 8:30am Holy Eucharist - in person 10:30am Choral Eucharist- in person and on You Tube WEDNESDAY, March 15 8:30am Morning Prayer—Via Zoom Followed by coffee & conversation. 12:15pm- Eucharist in the Cathedral FRIDAY, March 17 12:00 pm Litany of Reconciliation Via Zoom & in person in Bishopsgate SUNDAY, March 19 The Fourth Sunday In Lent 8:30am – Holy Eucharist - in person 10:30 am — Choral Eucharist - in person and on You Tube |
Every Wednesday March 1 - March 29, 2023 Join us every Wednesday evening from 7-9:30 pm in the Living Room here at the Cathedral as we explore the theme of Doubt in a series of movies throughout the Lenten season. We'll watch the film and then discuss together what it brings up about doubt and faith. *To join our movie nights, please contact the cathedral office cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca, 905-527-1316 (ext 240), or drop by the Cathedral office in person! Every Monday March 6 - April 17, 2023 Also, please join us for an interesting and vitally important series exploring Climate Justice. Every Monday afternoon from 1-3pm here in the Cathedral Living Room we will gather to enjoy a series hosted by speakers from the Niagara School of Missional Leadership titled Climate Justice: Following Jesus in a World of Climate Breakdown. *This series requires registration. To register, please contact the Cathedral office at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca, 905-527-1316 (ext 240), or drop by the cathedral office in person.
For those interested in donating towards Easter Flowers please note that the deadline to do so is Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023. Please mark your envelopes or e-transfers with Easter Floral Donation and provide any memorial names either on the envelope, via email to cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca or in person to the Cathedral Office. |
MAPMISSION ACTION PLAN Thanks to all who were able to join us for the planning session The session focused on our mission, vision, values, The findings from that session are still being compiled and will be shared shortly. The next step in the Mission Action Plan (MAP) process is to explore what actions we should undertake under each of the three MAP theme areas. The remaining planning sessions will be held after the 10:30 service on March 12 & 19. We will plan to keep the sessions to an hour. The theme for each remaining date is listed below. There is no need to register and you can attend one or all. March 12 - Reshaping Parish Culture to Enable Ministry |
On February 19 many attended, and a few watched from afar the CCC Annual Vestry Meeting. Some Vestries focus on challenges and fears. Sometimes they can be downright depressing! Not so for the CCC Vestry, there was a spirit of thankfulness and excitement.
God is faithful and our parishioners responded to the call to give! We are thankful for generosity at CCC!
Come talk and explore more about the week’s readings and Sunday’s homily as we dig deep (but hopefully avoid puncturing any water mains down there). We meet in the Living Room after the second service each Sunday around 12:15pm. Bring questions and insights, and we’ll do our best to make connections between scripture and our lives together. To top it off, we'll provide a little something to eat as well! |
This Lent, PWRDF presents a collection of some of its favourite reflections from the “Praying with PWRDF” Zoom meetings with music, videos, PWRDF stories, and more. Go to www.pwrdf.org/lent2023/ to subscribe and receive a daily email message during Lent. The contributors for the remaining weeks in Lent are: Lent 3— The Rev. Canon Rachel Carnegie, Anglican Alliance Lent 4— Heather Smith, Executive Director of Rayjon Share Care, Haiti Lent 5— Sophia Gebreyes, Lutheran World Federation, Ethiopia Palm Sunday and Holy Week - The Rev. Patrick Stephens, PWRDF Representative for the Diocese of Ottawa Also during this Lenten season, please continue to keep in your prayers the people affected by the Donations can be made to support PWRDF’s earthquake response by visiting PWRDF's website at For any questions regarding other ways to support PWRDF, please contact your Parish Representative at louise.vanwoelderen@gmail.com or 905-387-1820 |
The Cathedral is looking for counters to assist with counting weekly donations as part of a team. The maximum time requirement for this volunteer position is an hour or so a month. Volunteers count and balance donations from the Sunday and midweek services, Diocesan services, and fundraising activities. Those interested, or for more information, please contact George Down or the Cathedral office at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca or in person. Thank you to all volunteers! |
Movie Night
2023 Envelopes
For those currently using envelopes for giving, they are now available in the Narthex for pick up. For those interested in obtaining envelopes or for further information about options for giving, please contact the cathedral office at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca or in person in the office and we will be happy to assist. Thank you! |
Prayer Shawls and Blankets
The Prayer Shawl Knitters Group has made available to the parish a wonderful abundance of both prayer shawls and lap blankets. If you happen to know of anyone who might be in need and might benefit from one of these beautiful items, please contact the parish office either in person or at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca |
Cathedral Offertory
The Cathedral has now resumed the passing of Offering Plates. The plates will be passed by the Greeters and brought to the altar with the elements. You may recall this was suspended at the beginning of the pandemic, when there was uncertainty about how the virus was spread, and replaced by a box near the Narthex. At the Offertory, we offer back some of what God has given us, symbolically in the bread and wine, and in our contributions toward the work of the church. All are invited to support the sharing of God’s love with the world through giving by Pre-Authorized Giving, online through our website (for details, please use link below) or by weekly envelope. For those interested in Pre- Authorized Giving, you can also contact our Cathedral office at cathedral.admin@niagaraanglican.ca (or in person) for more information. Thank you! For more infomation visit:
Masks Strongly Recommended
Current guidelines encourage mask wearing, particularly in crowded, enclosed, and close-contact settings. Effective immediately, Bishop Susan is strengthening guidance to mirror the chief medical officer of health's strong recommendation that masks be worn in indoor settings. By doing so, and applying additional layers of protection, we will not only protect ourselves but our most vulnerable neighbours. In this way, we are also bearing strong witness to God's call to love our neighbours. |